Saturday, November 24, 2012

First words.

Congratulations. I have no idea how in the world you managed to find this place and read this, but it seems you've managed the impossible. Now go find a cure for cancer.

Back already? No luck, huh? Try again tommorrow. You'll get it eventually. In the meantime, you can stay on and read my nonsense. Don't be shy. It's your reward for doing the impossible.

Some shitty reward that is...

Ignore him. He's the voice at the back of my head. He likes butting in at times but I generally ignore him and you should too.

If anything you're the one who should be ignored.


I suppose I should talk a bit about myself, shouldn't I? 

Nobody cares.

Or perhaps I'll talk about the reason for the existence of this blog?


Good good.

Basically, what you're reading here is what is going through my mind at the time of writing. There is some editing for coherency, but DAMMNIT MY THUMBS ARE TOO BIG much of my thought process remains uninterrupted. This place is where I dump some of my, in my opinion in any case, DAMN YOU BIG THUMBS more interesting thoughts and musings. There is no set topic, and I foresee that many of the posts will shift drastically in focus. As you may have also noticed, I am typing on a mobile device, so I am able to record down my thoughts while on the go, whether for the sake of posterity so that I may read this sometime in the far future and cringe to myself, or for your (hopefully) enjoyment. I highly doubt that I will have any readers, but just in case I do, thank you, and enjoy your stay.

Nobody gives a damn.